What Is Google EEAT In SEO?

What Is Google EEAT In SEO

E-E-A-T Is one of the known guidelines you should follow to get your Google ranking better especially if you fall under YMYL(your money, your life). No one talks clearly about Google’s algorithm but there are metrics and updates told by Google so, you should be aware of it. E-E-A-T is one of the key factors you should take advantage of as it may not directly relate to ranking but is a metric that can help you give a positive impression to Google. Generally, Google wants you to understand that these are factors Google finds important to consider for getting ranked.


  • In 2013 google published separate Search Quality Rater Guidelines.
  • In 2014 google added E-A-T.
  • In 2022 an additional E was added as a part of the guideline and led to Experience, Expertise, Authoritativeness, and Trustworthiness.

Remember what Google VP of search, Ben Gomes said- 

“You can view the raters’ guidelines as where we want the search algorithm to go. They don’t tell you how the algorithm ranks results, but they fundamentally show what the algorithm should do.”

E-E-A-T and YMYL(Your Money Your life):

It is seen in some of the guidelines of Google that E-E-A-T is Very important in YMYL(your money, your life) all the profiles and handles you are using Google have access to and detect accordingly.

YMYL includes information or topics that impact a group of persons or society’s future perspectives, happiness safety, or financial stability Or in simple words things that affect society or give information that is consumed by the society or group of people that may impact or affect them after viewing or using such content is considered to use Google E-E-A-T as a crucial part. The content should be trustworthy and accurate enough so that people consuming it helps them receive the right data.

So, let’s clear the basics of Experience, Expertise, Authoritativeness, and Trustworthiness and why it is important for SEO:


Google prefers firsthand experience content that when you use any product you presume a review on it rather than without using it so, the real talk comes here. The experience of a client using your product and then reviewing it accordingly will have more impact. So, the content you are putting on the website should be relevant, clear, and to the point experience on the topic you are writing. Most of us feel safer when we get real-life experience evidence to purchase something as it gives a clear idea of how it looks, what the terms are, and any type of scam we can fall for. Today, in this digital world people don’t feel safe when it comes to online payments or information. So, keeping it very real and original matters.

what you are putting in the About Us should include your qualifications and achievements that are more relevant than just writing we are the best digital marketing agency here.


The one writing the content has relevant experience in the field is another factor to keep an eye on. Providing an author with information expertise and social handles helps get an idea of how much knowledge the person has on the topic. Although most of the sites that have authentic pages still have good rankings in the search engines the ones that are still in the process should prefer this as a factor to improve. – The website content and information matter a lot if the main content is written by the creator then it helps get a positive response from Google but if the creator lacks information on that topic and takes from other pages then the whole content will have a very bad impression on it.

Generally when someone is an expertise helps give an impression of a relevant site. For example when someone is just in college writing an article on “SEO Importance”  will have less relevance than expertise digital marketer writing the same topic. So, provide an author ID and connect their social media resulting in trust in the mind of the audience.


The source is an important factor in building trust in the minds of the audience as whenever we receive any information or study on something we prefer to get the information from an authentic person or site. You will always prefer a lawyer to get an idea of how to file a cyber crime complaint rather than an individual from a mass communication background. So, the accuracy of information is an important factor in this digital era. Backlinks are important because it is considered that when someone has linked your site your content is authentic enough to receive information from.

Lastly, Get your site mentioned on good sites like Wikipedia, especially on authentic sites as it helps you get more traffic, and also try to give positive reviews on Google to help customers get an idea of reliable information.


Trustworthy places are one of the core roles as most of the sites failed to get raked because of negative issues.

“Trust is like the leader in the E-E-A-T family. If a page isn’t trustworthy, it won’t have good E-E-A-T, even if it looks experienced, expert, or authoritative”

Safety for society is a concern according to Google and when your experience, expertise, and authoritativeness come into place automatic trust results. When you help your audience by providing all the safety they prefer you over others. For example, if you are an e-commerce site and selling beauty products you should make sure all the payment carts and pages are creating trust in the minds of customers to believe you this helps your audience make an informed decision without hesitation.

We would like to conclude by putting our opinion on E-E-A-T that always pay attention to small guidelines that help your site rank better because you can’t grow without following all the segments Google gives hints on. You may never know the Google algorithm but if you get yourself updated according to Google’s needs it will all be worth enough to see your traffic and ranking better over time in the search engine.

Still facing issues? Contact us , We are here to help you!

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